storage tank equipment-Flame Arrestors, Pressure & Vacuum relief valves

Armfield Industrial & Mining distributes and supplies a range of Tank Equipment solutions from KITO Armaturen Germany for a variety of applications in the petroleum, oil & gas, mining, power, and combustion engineering industries. 


In-Line Detonation Flame Arrestor

For installation into pipes to protect containers and components against stable detonation of flammable liquids and gases. Tested and approved as detonation flame arrester type 4. Approved for all substances of explosion groups IIA1 to IIA with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) > 0.9 mm. Working unidirectional in pipes, whereby an operating pressure of 1.2 bar abs. and an maximum operating temperature of 60 °C must not be exceeded. Provided with one temperature sensor (PT 100) the armature is certified against short time burning from one side. The installation is not dependent on the position and both directions of flow are possible. During installation, please observe the direction of detonation and the indication „protected side“.

Pipeline Safety Valve

Installation into pipelines as inline detonation flame arrester e. g. for the protection of ignition gas lines or measuring devices. Applicable for all materials of the explosion groups IIA1 up to IIA with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) > 0.9 mm. Operating from both sides, for a maximum operating pressure of 1.2 bar abs. and a maximum operating temperature of 60 °C.

Applications for pipelines

Other characteristics threaded, in-line

Controlled pressure  Max.: 1.2 bar (17.4 psi) Min.: 0 bar (0 psi) 

Deflagration Proof Vacuum Relief Valves


Explosion proof safety valve to protect inbreathing openings of storage tanks, vessels and pipes to prevent inordinate vacuum.
Approved for flammable liquids of explosion group IIB3 with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) ≥ 0.65 mm.

Fluid Safety Valve


For installation into pipes to the protection of vessels and components against stable detonation of flammable liquids and gases. Tested and approved as detonation flame arrester type 4. Approved for all substances of explosion groups IIA1 to IIA with a maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) > 0.9 mm. Bi-directionally working in pipes, whereby an operating pressure of 1.2 bar abs. and an operating temperature of 60 °C must not be exceeded. The installation of the detonation flame arrester into horizontal and vertical pipes is permissible. Provided with one or two temperature sensors (PT 100) the armature is certified against short time burning from one or both sides. If only one thermal sensor is attached, it must be installed into that part of the body from which a fire is expected.

End of Line Flame Arrestor


Exemplary protection of above ground tanks. A Flame Arrester is a Safety Device that acts as the last line defense in the event of an explosion and ensures safety of your petroleum, oil & gas, chemical plant & chemical processing storage  tank & pipeline equipment. KITO Flame Arrestors are reliable, with clear technical aspects and minimal pressure drops on running flowline,